Finance...Ok I may be a little obsessed with saving money. It's actually almost like a fun game (if you make it that way).... Lately I've been sheering off as many fixed household expenses as possible! There is so much WASTE that goes on in American households.
So this week out the door went papertowels.. I've been wanting to do this for a while! Paper towels are just so wasteful! They are also such a pain to buy, lug into the house, then they are all covered in wasteful plastic that clogs our landfills.
I purchased three sets of cheap towels in preparation for the ditching. I purchased a utility hand towel set, a cleaning rag-ish sort of set...and my favorite from Wayfair..... a dinner/lunch casual napkin set. They were very affordable and we can use them again and again! I think cloth is so much prettier than paper any way!
So there ya go one less thing on our fixed expense list and one less annoying task to deal with! Bye Bye paper towels!
* P.S. We are on week two with no paper towels and seriously we don't even notice they are gone! 🎉🎊✌
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