So I was looking around my house last night and it occurred to me why the brick and mortar stores are dwindling fast. I think Amazon played a large role but I think MLM or direct sales has played a large part as well. Everything I acquire these days is from another fellow entrepreneur (and usually fellow parent) who has a MLM either side hustle or full time MLM hustle. Y'all I seriously used to RUN from these annoying people! OMG! Seriously I literally run TOO these people now! I buy all my clothes from either Cabi (love) Lularoe or Walmart....because Walmart is usually my only choice because I go there so much for household stuff! Going to an additional store while I'm out is usually out of the question, thank GOD for the Faded Glory Wal-Mart brand that looks half human (its like a GAP knock off)! The quality of both Cabi and LulaRoe ROCKS, I think the quality of most MLM companies is superior to your now run of the mill low inventory brick and mortar! Moving on I just started ordering my make up from a chronically ill Lyme patient across the country who is a Younique rep, Younique her only means to earn income.I have to buy it anyway so why not help someone in the mean time! I am now IN LOVE with DoTerra essential oils, I haven't been able to put them down since I bought them. As for others...I buy Pampered Chef (and love it) and many more. So am a shop-a-holic?...I likely sound like one but no I'm actually a minimalist and I don't buy anything in access (ok DoTerra maybe) I hate collecting 'stuff'. All the household items I buy, I actually need...clothes, cooking supplies, vitamins, face lotion, meds (DuTerra), make-up (yes make-up is a need lol), and more. I also buy a lot of homemade goods from friends like homemade honey and such. Its like my interest in big brick and mortar stores just isn't there anymore.These fellow Moms just make it so easy at school and kid events! I have to be there anyway.......
Could it be that the pendulum has swung and my fellow parents who side hustle are now the primary way that moms, fellow parents, disabled, the elderly, the super busy....and others now acquire their goods? When did this happen? It slowly happened to me! I also realize that I just either text these people or facebook them when I need an additional item. Crazy right? Thank God for MLM companies! I love them! Seriously never thought in a million, used to hate them. Shipping is always pronto and if I have an issue its the reps headache, not mine! I also skip hours of shopping because my awesome reps just tell me what I need to know and they show me what they think would look cute....or work for me and my family. I sound like a commercial right now but its true! I don't sell for any MLM companies or Direct Sale companies I am just a huge fan as a busy Mom! I actually tried a few times to sell various MLM products and failed every time...I ended up writing a book which has quickly become my 'happily ever after'! Cheers!
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