Parenting Team Parenting Contributor

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bastiani's (pick your own) Blueberry Farm - Hebron CT

Parents its almost that time again! As July 4th weekend quickly approaches, I'm thinking about one thing, Bastiani's PYO Blueberries!!

This will be our forth year picking at Bastiani's! We usually pick enough blueberries to last us until about December in our deep freezer! We bake with them, pack them for snacks and enjoy them for months and months! Bastiani's prices are extremely affordable too which makes them simply our favorite! We basically pick all blueberries until we are sick... then go home and bake for the rest of the day! My kids adore this family tradition. We all do!

If you feel like dropping cash.... The Dinosaur Place @ Nature's Art Village is right down the road from Bastiani's. Don't go with less than $100...because that's what The Dinosaur Place will cost you, which is why we never go. They do have an amazing splash pad, bouncy house, and stunning playground. $$$$ If you do opt for Dino Place pack a cooler! The food there is expensive and not healthy and they allow entry with coolers which can really help with costs for the day!

The best time to go picking is around July 4th give or take. I usually start calling the farm around June 15th to get a beat on things! The farm is stunning and looks like a vineyard. It's never busy, never a line and somewhat private. No restrooms FYI.

Cheers! Here are some photos from our 17' (and a few from 16') trip to Bastiani's! All things Blueberry!!!!

* If you go make sure you spray your family with BUG SPRAY to prevent tick bites and wear light colored clothing if possible in order to see any crawling creatures on yourself/kids! We have never seen any ticks at Bastiani's, however anything is possible!



Vroom Vroom! Calling all little racers!

Home Depot Free Kids Workshop! Saturday, June 2 @ 9am! Make a rad race car with your favorite little! NATIONWIDE - Holla!

Share the nostalgic pastime of car modeling with your child in our classic car hands-on workshop. Together you can build a vintage General Motors-style wooden car to put on display or take for a ride β€œwith no particular place to go. Once your vehicle is built, your child can customize it with paint and stickers. All Kids Workshop attendees must be accompanied by a parent or adult at all times. Recommended Ages: 5-12. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Children must be present at the store to participate in the workshop and receive the kit, apron, and pin.
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jun 2, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

This is New England!

Ok so today was a very big day for Camp Cornell! We were showcased on the show 'This is New England' with Latoyia Edwards on NBC10 Boston!

I don't think could have been smiling any bigger!

Cheers everyone! Here is the link to watch all things summer parenting and tick safety!

God is so good! Link below!

Quote for the day!

Quote for the day ya'll!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Summer Kidfest @ Cinemaworld - FREE Daily Movies Summer 2018 Lincoln, Rhode Island


Cinemaworld of Lincoln, Rhode Island is doing their FREE daily movies AGAIN this summer! Parents if you have nothing to do or just want to escape with your kids, this is a great option! All kids are FREE 7 days a week for the 10am showing, starting June 22nd! The daily movie selection will be either G or PG! Each adult just needs to bring in a canned good for the homeless an an entry 'fee', I LOVE that! If you have several kids then this is totally your thing! My kids NEVER go to the movies because its just waaaaay too expensive!!! If you have several kids at the 'regular' movies your looking at a triple digit day! NO THANK YOU! Anyway load up the neighborhood kids or cousins this summer and have a ball for FREE, while also helping feed the homeless! Amazing.

Remember to pack your own snacks and drinks!!!

Also right by Cinemaworld there is a Stop and Shop, Dollar Tree, and also a Target incase you have other summer errands to accomplish while your in the area!

Like Cinemaworld on facebook to automatically get the free movie titles playing in weeks ahead!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day MAMAS!

Keep up the amazing work moms because we all know momin' ain't easy! 😘😘😘 Thank you for letting Camp Cornell contribute to your lives! 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Market Research @ Hasbro World-Wide Headquarters in Rhode Island!

How much fun did we have today at Hasbro Pre-School???? SO MUCH!

Parents, especially SAHM's!!!!! If you haven't signed up for Hasbro Fun Lab then your missing out! So We are SO LUCKY in Rhode Island to have Hasbro World-Wide located here! We participate in as many Hasbro market research projects AS POSSIBLE! So Hasbro LOVES kids and during your visit, your child will be showered with attention then sent on their way with an amazing swag bag! What the what? Moms can shop locally while their kids help develop the next generation of amazing Hasbro toys with top researchers and psychologists! WE LOVE HASBRO!!!!!

Hasbro is located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and in the near vicinity are many fun discount stores and lots of frugal shopping! : ) Or you can just sleep in your car while you wait, that totally works too!

What a unique and special life experience for the kids who are lucky enough to participate!

Thank you HASBRO TOYS! The link to sign up is below, although it looks like it's under construction and will be updated soon! Bookmark the link and check back to sign your family up!

FREE Museum & Attraction Passes for Massachusetts and Rhode Island Residents Summer 18'

Friends! We were able to obtain the MA Library Sails Program attraction and museum, heavily discounted and FREE pass list!

HOLY Wow there is so much to choose from! Passes can be reserved online through your MA library card!

Don't go broke this summer trying to entertain your kids! Reserve your discounted and free passes to save big $$$$! AWESOME!

The list is below! There are over 60 participants this year! Holla! The list contains the attraction, followed by the library where the passes are located!

Rhode Islanders!!!! We have just as good of a program here! Just visit Ocean State Libraries to hook it up! Rhode Island'rs simply type 'Museum Passes' into the search bar on the website below and you will feel like you have legit won the lottery! Holllllllaa!!!!!!!

If you have family in both states then your one Lucky Ducky! : )

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Prevent Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is no joke parents! If you think you and your pets and family are immune YOU ARE WRONG! Ticks are out in full force! Use Permethrin to treat clothes and shoes! 

Camp Cornell on NBC10 Boston 'This is New England'


We had the most exciting day yesterday filming an episode of 'This is New England'! We loved talking all about spring/summer tick safety and $$$ saving tips for parents! Our segment was all things parenting! Diapers, Daycare, and Deadlines was a hit too! Tune in to watch some fun parenting talk!

Latoyia Edwards who is the host of the show was AMAZING! She made us feel extremely welcome! She is very good at what she does!

Our show segment will air on 'This is New England' - NBC10..... Sunday, May 20th  @ 11am!

Here are some pics from our amazing experience!

Peace and Love!

Parents!!!! HOW TICK READY ARE YOU? TickEase Tweezer GIVEAWAY!

Parents! I've been reading hysterical posts in my social media mom groups! The posts usually go like this...

OMG I found a tick on my child, WTH do we do? (you should be preventing tick bites with Permethrin treated shoes and clothes and in the first place but that's another entire post)

OK we got this! As a parent you NEED a pair of these ninja tweezers! Tick removal is a tricky and delicate process.....not to be taken lightly! If you remove a tick the wrong way you could really be putting your child in harms way! Ticks MUST be removed with a fine tip pointy tweezer @ the head. If you squish the tick with a flat head tweezer all the bacteria in the ticks little body can be squeezed right into your child's bloodstream! Omg GROSS! We simply LOVE these inexpensive tweezers! For about $10.00 you can own a pair of these tweezers! This is your tool!

For expert advice on HOW TO PROPERLY remove a tick from your child or pet PLEASE visit: 

Tick removal is under F.A.Q.

Parents this website is your 'go to' for all things ticks!

Drawing will be randomly selected on May 15th! Four lucky winners will receive a pair of these amazing tweezers! These tweezers can be used for more than just ticks BTW! They are a splinters worst nightmare!

You can grab a pair today at:
